Ergonomic Poultry

EP153¾HG-3°DP 3 ¾” 3 Degree Drop Point Deboning Knife


Product Description : Our Ergonomic Poultry 3 ¾” 3 degree drop point deboning knife with orange handle is a tool that deftly separates meat and cartilage from bone. Thanks to its stain free high-carbon steel, the edge is sharpest out of the box, and the long-lasting blade can easily be re-sharpened. Its drop point allows for more controls, favoring carving over spearing the meat. A reverse hook finger guard reduces slipping injury, while incorporating comfort. The handle has been extended for further consideration of all hand sizes. Anti-slip material secures chef’s grip to handle, while reducing gripping pressure and fatigue during extensive breakdowns. Our SANI-SAFE® handle feature a flawless seal between the blade and handle to protect against contamination. (#11203)



  • SKU: 11203X
  • Height: 8.75
  • Product Number: EP153 3/4HG-3°DP

Product Details

  • Made in the U.S.A.

    Made in the United States of America

  • NSF Certified

    Meets the standards adopted by NSF International®

  • Crafted from DEXSTEEL®

    Blade is fully crafted out of our proprietary, American DEXSTEEL®, which provides strength, durability, and corrosion resistance

  • Individually Ground Blade

    Individually honed and ground blade ensures the highest sharpness

  • Safety Features

    Slip resistant handle with fingerguard helps avoid accidental slips and cuts in the kitchen

  • SANI-SAFE® Handle

    Flawless blade to handle seal protects against contamination

  • Washing Instructions

    Hand-washing and sanitizing is recommended to best preserve the blade


    Handle is engineered from 100% recycled plastic. Packaging is also engineered with 100% recycled materials


    A trackable barcode is etched on the blade to improve plant safety and reduce labor